Material Handling Storage Solutions
A wide variety of material handling storage equipment is available to all types of warehouses, commercial distribution facilities, and other industrial applications in El Paso, Lubbock, Midland-Odessa, Plainview, Del Rio, Big Spring, Eagle Pass, and throughout the state of Texas. Our material handling storage includes everything from mezzanines, wire partitions, and in-plant buildings to automated storage and distribution systems like vertical lift modules and carousels. Click here to see the different types of automated storage systems.
Warehouse Automated Storage
Vertical lift modules (VLMs), vertical carousels, and horizontal carousels all utilize the “goods-to-person” principle to drastically improve pick times, accuracy, and ergonomics. Instead of walking through aisles of shelving and racks to find a part or item, operators instead simply push a button and have requested items delivered directly to them. Pick-to-light technology also directs the operator to the exact items and quantity to pick. This not only speeds up the picking process, but also increases picking accuracy (up to 99.9%) and reduces operator fatigue.
These material handling storage solutions also save a huge amount of floorspace. Instead of aisles and rows of shelving and racks, the material handling storage compacts your inventory and eliminates the need for access aisles since items are automatically brought to the operator.
Automated material handling storage solutions include vertical lifts, vertical carousels, and horizontal carousels. Vertical lifts (VLMs) are ideal for storing all types of small, medium, or large and bulky parts. VLMs can also be integrated with cranes and other material handling equipment, so they’re best suited for heavy-duty jobs. Vertical carousels are best for when you’re storing a lot of small to medium parts or items in bins. These vertical solutions compact your storage footprint by utilizing your unused overhead air space. And horizontal carousels are perfect for when you have a low ceiling that may prevent you from being able to install a vertical carousel or lift but still desire space savings as well as increased accuracy, throughput, and ergonomics.
Contact Us for Material Handling Storage
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for material handling storage equipment in El Paso, Lubbock, Midland-Odessa, Plainview, Del Rio, Big Spring, and Eagle Pass. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (800) 803-1083 or send us a message today.