High-Density Compact Shelving

high density mobile filing systems seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympiaWhat’s wrong with regular shelving? Static storage always takes up a fixed amount of space. No matter what, every aisle between the shelving units is always taking up space even if no one is using it. High-density mobile filing systems provide a space-saving solution with movable rolling shelving that maximizes your available storage with its compact design. We provide movable rolling shelving to all types of businesses and facilities in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, Olympia, and throughout the state of Washington. Click here to watch a video showing how the high-density mobile filing systems work.

Maximize Your Storage Space

Many facilities simply don’t have the time and resources to expand their space everytime it runs out. This leads to disorganized and cramped storage areas that are difficult to navigate and can even cause safety concerns. Employees will inevitably spend more time searching for items, which takes away productive work time. As you can see, space isn’t just space; it’s a valuable commodity that affects your bottom line.

movable rolling shelving seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympiaHigh-density mobile filing systems can resolve many of these issues with a simple solution: removing wasted aisle space and maximizing the storage space you already have. Shelves or cabinets are mounted onto a carriage and rail system, which slides back and forth and compacts together when not in use. This can significantly increase your storage capacity, allowing you to store the same amount of items in half the footprint of traditional shelving (or double your storage capacity in the same space).

The movable rolling shelving systems are available in mechanical-assist and powered options depending on your storage area’s traffic and security needs. Powered shelving is recommended for larger storage applications or areas that require enhanced security such as evidence, records, or medical supplies. If you’re not sure what type of system would be best for you, we would be happy to review your options and help you determine a solution based on your needs and budget. For even more cost savings, you can even mount your existing shelving on the mobile carriages instead of buying new units. Click here for more information about powered and mechanical-assist movable rolling shelving.

Contact Us for High-Density Mobile Filing Systems

Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for high-density mobile filing systems and movable rolling shelving for all types of storage applications in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, and Olympia. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (425) 354-3311 or send us a message today.

Southwest Solutions Group® Seattle Office

5601 6th Ave S Suite 463

Seattle, WA 98108

Telephone: (425) 354-3311

Email: [email protected]


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