How Police Departments Can Save Space & Money

space saving storage optimization police houston beaumont port arthur huntsville galveston alvin baytown lufkin pasadenaIn a growing city, running out of space is a real concern for law enforcement facilities. With inadequate capacity, storage of evidence, gear, records, and other important supplies quickly becomes inefficient and disorganized. One of the biggest challenges, however, is a lack of funding for additional space. But instead of adding on construction or relocating, which is often extremely expensive, use your available space with more efficiency with space saving storage optimization systems for police departments. We have all types of solutions available to departments in Houston, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Huntsville, Galveston, Alvin, Baytown, Lufkin, Pasadena, and throughout the state of Texas. The following are just a few examples of the type of space-saving and specialized storage solutions available.

Narcotics & Weapons Storage

Narcotics Evidence Locker

  • Designed to assist police departments will small narcotics evidence
  • Compact design with double-locked security
  • Louvered vents promote proper ventilation to prevent health risks from exposure to chemical fumes, drug particles, and other contaminants

Weapons Evidence Locker

  • Similar in size and shape to the narcotics evidence locker with accessories tailored to storing weapons
  • Combines storage for rifles, shotguns, handguns, and other small arms
  • Durable all-steel construction protects from damage and theft

Temporary Evidence Lockers

These keyless evidence lockers provide a secure chain of custody without loose keys and key management. The lockers are completely secure, yet easily accessible and easy to use for authorized personnel.

Pass-Through Lockers

  • Lockers are built into the wall so evidence can be deposited from one side and retrieved from the other
  • No keys required; doors lock by themselves
  • Rear door allows personnel to remove items and reset locker openings quickly
  • Optional front lock-out system to lock front soors when rear door is open to prevent unauthorized access

Non-Pass-Through Lockerspolice department law enforcement space saving storage houston beaumont port arthur huntsville galveston alvin baytown lufkin pasadena

  • Evidence is deposited and retrieved from the same self-closing, self-locking doors
  • Items can only be removed by authorized personnel
  • Easily mounted against a wall
  • Can be converted to pass-through configuration

Evidence Locker Options

  • Refrigerated unit for biological evidence
  • Mail/video slot to store small evidence without having to use a separate locker compartment for each

Gear Bag Lockers

Officers shouldn’t be wasting time trying to find their gear. Gear bag lockers are an easy way to keep them organized so officers can retrieve them quickly.

  • Quick, easy access
  • Double-wall welded doors for durability and security
  • Available with four lock types, including keyless locks
  • Diamond-perforated, mesh, solid, or louvered doors

High Density Shelving

High density shelving is a space saving storage optimization system that can cut your space in half or double it in the same capacity. With moving shelves that compact together, it eliminates extra aisle space so users can access what they need, when they need it. They are ideal for storing long-term evidence, records, archival materials, boxes, heavy items, and more. Click here to learn more about high density shelving.

NJPA Contracts

For more cost savings, these police department space saving optimization solutions are available in NJPA funding contracts.

  • Membership requires no obligation, cost, or liability
  • Get discounts from trusted vendors
  • Competitive contracts solicited on your behalf
  • Legal, easy purchasing process skips the need to bid projects
  • Avoids low-bid and low-quality responses

Contact Us for Space Saving Storage Optimization

Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for space saving storage optimization systems for police departments in Houston, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Huntsville, Galveston, Alvin, Baytown, Lufkin, and Pasadena. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (713) 467-4454 or send us a message today.

Southwest Solutions Group® Houston Office

6105 Brittmoore Road
Houston, TX 77041
Telephone: (713) 467-4454
Fax: (713) 467-4484
Contact: Randy Brant
Email: [email protected]


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