Tenant Storage Lockers for apartment buildings

wire partition tenant storage lockers provide apartment residents with additional storage spaceEspecially in larger cities, most apartments and condominiums don’t have enough storage space in the living areas for their tenants. There are also no storage sheds or garages to help solve this lack of storage options. An apartment complex in a bustling city center installed wire partition storage lockers to provide residents with additional storage space without expanding their building or sacrificing any existing storage space.

tenant storage lockers provide additional space & revenue

Welded wire partition tenant storage lockers from Wirecrafters® proved to be an ideal way to provide tenants with additional storage space within common areas in their multi-family building. The additional storage is very valuable to the tenants and can be a selling point for the apartments just as valuable as a fitness center. The building owners receive a monthly fee from tenants for the additional storage space, and the payback only takes around 1-2 years for most buildings.

The apartment complex has two buildings with 70 lockers in each. Every tenant has a 4′ x 4′ single tier storage locker to store their out-of-season belongings. We prepared a detailed CAD drawing or the wire partition storage lockers that was used to field-measure the area to ensure that all the lockers would properly fit into the basement common area. As soon as the drawing was approved, the order was put into production.

saving space in apartment buildings with wire partition tenant storage lockersThe tenant storage lockers arrived within a couple of weeks. The installation went smoothly and quickly thanks to the detailed CAD drawings. Part numbers on the product components matched the part numbers on the drawing and all of the hardware was included—even the floor anchors. When the installation was complete, the building owner was very satisfied and now has plans to install more tenant storage lockers using Wirecrafters’ wire partitions.

contact us for Wire Partition tenant Storage Lockers

Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services of wire partition storage lockers to provide apartment building residents with additional storage space. We will even provide a free consultation to determine your building’s exact needs before the design process begins. You can also view wire partition storage lockers and request a quote online at Wirecrafters. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message today.

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