Take Advantage of the 2014 Section 179 Deduction
Southwest Solutions Group® wants to make sure you make the most of the IRS Section 179 Deduction this year because it allows businesses like yours to deduct the full purchase price of equipment like ours. To take advantage of these incentives you must act before December 31, 2014.
What is the Section 179 Tax Deduction?
When your business buys (or leases) certain equipment, it typically gets to write them off a little at a time through depreciation; however, most business owners would really prefer to write off the entire equipment purchase price for the year they buy it. In fact, if a business could write off the entire amount, they might buy or lease equipment this year instead of waiting. That’s the whole purpose behind Section 179, to motivate the American economy (and your business) to move in a positive direction.
The Section 179 Deduction does have some limitations. There are caps to the total amount written off ($25,000 in 2014), and limits to the total amount of the equipment purchased ($2,000,000 in 2014).
What Does This Mean for You?
The Section 179 Deduction means that buying the equipment you need to keep your business organized and competitive is that much easier on your wallet. Here are a few examples of our material handling and office storage solutions that if you purchase(ed) and put to use between 1/1/2014 and 12/31/2014 that can qualify for the Section 179 Deduction:
- Vertical Lifts and Carousels
- Compact Pallet Racks
- High Density Mobile Storage Shelving
- Electric Automated Filing Cabinets
- Record Box Storage Shelves
- Modular Metal Casework
- Rotary File Cabinets
In addition, you can visit our partner, StoreMoreStore, to easily purchase sliding shelving, mailroom sorters, plan drawing shelving, file dividers, and more.
Contact Us Today To Purchase Equipment to Qualify for the Section 179 Deduction
Southwest Solutions Group is proud to offer storage equipment for businesses in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi. Let us know your equipment needs and we’d be happy to help you take advantage of the Section 179 Deduction. Contact us today by phone at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message and we will put you in touch with your local representative.