Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving
Spacesaver® High-Density Storage Shelving will reduce your filing or storage area by up to 66% over traditional four-drawer file cabinets and stationary file shelving. The high-density storage concept is based on converting traditional access aisles into one or two movable aisles based on your activity level. By eliminating unnecessary aisles in your storage or filing area, you can condense materials and recoup valuable floor space for other uses (view High-Density Storage Shelving image gallery).
Reduce Construction and Lease Space Costs with Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving
Right-sizing your filing and storage system with Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving will reduce construction and lease space costs. Less floor space means less space to heat, air condition, light, and insure, which reduces building operating costs. This is a great way to make your facility more energy-efficient and sustainable.
Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving Has a Quick Return On Investment (ROI)
A recent client invested in 17 Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving systems for their filing areas and showed a Return on Investment (ROI) in less than 16 months. Using the shelving in conjunction with color-coded file folders not only saves valuable floor space, it will increase employee productivity as well. In fact, this storage and filing system was able to increase the client’s productivity by over 35%. Once you see how a Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving will make your file or storage room more space-efficient and productive, you will never go back to traditional filing cabinets.
Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving is Less Expensive Than Traditional File Cabinets
Did you know that traditional filing cabinets cost more than High-Density Storage Shelving? Give us a call at 1-800-803-1083 and we will tell you more about how you can save time and space with Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving.
Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving Resources:
- Click here to view High-Density Storage Shelving ADA laws and codes.
- Click here to view our TXMAS High-Density Storage Shelving Texas State Contract purchasing information.
- Click here for Spacesaver High-Density Shelving GSA Contract information.
Designing and Planning Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving
We are experts at designing Spacesaver High-Density Storage Shelving. Our experienced and knowledgeable team understands building code requirements, floor loading calculations, and other important design details to ensure you get a productive and efficient system. Send us a message today to speak with a representative in your area.
Drawer in shelving file sizes-121185 -
Drawers in shelving counter height rack-137158 -
Drawers in shelving file storage open office cabinet-137159 -
Drawers in shelving files binders 6 7 8 levels tall-121186 -
Drawers in shelving locking storage above doors-137160 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density athletic equipment-137161 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density big wide flat cabinet-137162 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density binders files-137163 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density cabinet-137164 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density card 3 5 7 cabinet-137165 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density card storage-137166 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density dividers small parts-137167 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density hand crank-137168 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density manual tool crib-137169 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density maps art-137170 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density mro cabinets-137171 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density museum collection-137172 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density rack museum-137173 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density rack spacesaver-137174 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density shelf parts-137175 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density shelf-137176 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage high density small parts-137177 -
Drawers in shelving mobile storage manual files sliding-137178 -
Drawers in shelving worksurface cards trays-137179 -
Drawers with shelves above file cabinet-121187
Hand crank high density compact storage file shelving-130464 -
High density compact storage cabinets-130465 -
High density compact storage hand crank storage shelving-130466 -
High density compact storage hand crank-130467 -
High density compact storage shelving carriage-130468 -
High density compact storage solutions on tracks-130469 -
High density compact storage systems-130470 -
Industrial high density compact storage shelves-130471 -
Manual high density compact storage equipment-130472 -
Manual high density compact storage shelving on rails-130473 -
Manual high density compact storage shelving-130474 -
Manual high density compact storage-130475 -
Mechanical assist high density compact storage on tracks-130476 -
Moveable high density compact storage equipment-130477 -
Moveable high density compact storage solutions-130478 -
Powered high density compact storage shelving-130479 -
Push button high density compact storage equipment-130480 -
Rolling high density compact storage on tracks-130481 -
Rolling high density compact storage-130482 -
Space saving high density compact storage racks-130483 -
Spacesaver high density compact storage on racks-130484 -
Spacesaver high density compact storage-130485 -
Warehouse high density compact storage on rails-130486 -
Warehouse high density compact storage shelving-130487
Athletic high density racks systems-130325 -
Cantilever activrac high density racks-130326 -
Hand crank high density racks bins-130327 -
Hand crank high density racks on tracks-130328 -
Hand crank high density racks storage shelving-130329 -
Hand crank high density racks-130330 -
Heavy duty high density racks-130331 -
High density racks on tracks-130332 -
High density racks solutions-130333 -
High density racks storage shelving units-130334 -
High density racks systems-130335 -
High density racks units-130336 -
High density racksstorage bins-130337 -
High density shelving cabinets-130338 -
High density storage cabinets-130339 -
High density storage on tracks-130340 -
Industrial high density racks activrac-130341 -
Industrial high density racks systems-130342 -
Industrial high density racks-130286 -
Library high density racks bookstacks-130343 -
Manual hand crank high density racks solutions-130344 -
Powered high density racks storage cabinets-130345 -
Powered high density racks storage-130346 -
Powered high density storage racks-130347 -
Spacesaver high density racks systems-130348 -
Spacesaver high density racks-130349 -
Warehouse high density storage racks-130350
Athletic high density storage shelving-130275 -
Hand crank high density office file shelving-130276 -
Hand crank high density shelving systems-130277 -
High density file storage shelving on tracks-130278 -
High density library shelving-130279 -
High density shelving book ranges-130280 -
High density shelving rails-130281 -
High density shelving storage on rails-130282 -
High density shelving storage racks bins-130283 -
High density shelving system-130284 -
Industrial high density rack shelving systems-130285 -
Industrial high density racks-130286 -
Manual high density shelving book ranges-130287 -
Manual high density shelving file racks-130288 -
Manual high density shelving solutions-130289 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving solutions-130290 -
Mobile high density shelving file storage-130291 -
Mobile high density shelving on rails-130292 -
Mobile high density shelving storage manufacturers-130293 -
Moveable aisle high density shelving solutions-130294 -
Moveable high density shelving systems-130295 -
Museum cabinets high capacity shelving on rails-130296 -
Powered high density shelving-130297 -
Powered pantographs high density shelving-130298
Athletic high density storage-130223 -
Electric racks high density storage cabinets-130224 -
Electric shelves high density storage-130225 -
Hand crank high density storage spinning handles-130226 -
Heavy duty high density storage on tracks-130227 -
High density storage cabinets shelves racks-130228 -
High density storage floor tracks-130229 -
High density storage installation-130230 -
High density storage modular drawer cabinets-130231 -
High density storage racks on tracks-130232 -
High density storage units on rails-130233 -
560-70387 -
Industrial high density storage shelves-130234 -
Industrial high density storage systems-130235 -
Library high density storage-130236 -
Manual high capacity storage shelving-130237 -
Manual high density shelving moving aisle-130238 -
Manual high density storage-130239 -
Mechanical assist high density storage manufacturers-130240 -
Mechanical assist high density storage wire racks-130241 -
Mobile high density storage plans-130242 -
Motorized high density storage racks-130243 -
Powered high density storage cabinets-130244 -
Powered high density storage shelves-130245 -
Push button high density storage shelves-130246 -
Push button high density storage-130247 -
Spacesaver high density storage office filing-130248 -
Spacesaver high density storage racks-130249
Archival compact box storage mechanical assist high density shelving-124913 -
Large spacesaver mechanical assist high density shelving mobile system-124914 -
Library compact book mechanical assist high density shelving-124915 -
Library compact book shelves mechanical assist high density shelving-124916 -
Mechanical assist high density mobile property shelving system plastic tubs-124917 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving ammo space saver mobile shelves-124918 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving file cabinets-124919 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving modular mobile-124920 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving office file cabinets-124921 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving storage file shelves-124922 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving three spoke handle-124923 -
Mechanical assist high density storage binder shelving-124924 -
Mechanical assist high density storage mobile shelving system files-124925 -
Mechanical assist high density storage mobile shelving system healthcare files-124926 -
Mechanical assist high density storage mobile shelving system library law-124927 -
Mechanical assist high density storage mobile shelving system military gsa-124928 -
Mechanical assist high density storage mobile shelving system modular drawers industrial-124929 -
Mechanical assist high density storage safety devices rolling shelving-124930 -
Mechanical assist high density storage textile shelving-124931 -
Museum compact mechanical assist high density shelving tri handles-124932 -
Museum files compact mechanical assist high density shelving storage-124933 -
Museum mechanical assist high density shelving cabinets compact storage-124934 -
Spacesaver mechanical assist high density shelving-124983 -
University law library compact mechanical assist high density shelving-124984
Authorized spacesaver dealer high density shelving seattle kent tacoma-135741 -
High density shelves spacesaver dealer seattle everett kent-135742 -
High density shelving spacesaver dealer seattle tacoma bellevue-135743 -
High density storage shelving spacesaver seattle olympia spokane-135744 -
Spacesaver authorized dealer high density storage seattle bellevue olympia-135745 -
Spacesaver dealer high density shelving seattle kent olympia-135746 -
Spacesaver dealer high density storage seattle bellevue everett-135747 -
Spacesaver high density storage shelving seattle spokane tacoma-135748
High density mechanical assist rolling shelving seattle kent olympia-135521 -
High density mechanical assist rolling shelving seattle spokane everett-135522 -
High density rolling storage shelving seattle tacoma bellevue-135523 -
Mechanical assist high density shelving seattle spokane tacoma-135524 -
Mechanical assist rolling storage seattle bellevue everett-135525 -
Rolling high density storage shelving seattle spokane olympia-135526 -
Rolling storage shelving high density seattle everett kent-135527 -
Rolling storage shelving high density shelves seattle bellevue tacoma-135528
High density mobile shelving seattle spokane tacoma-135289 -
High density mobile storage seattle spokane olympia-135290 -
High density mobile storage shelves seattle bellevue olympia-135291 -
High density push button shelves seattle bellevue everett-135292 -
Mobile high density storage shelving seattle everett olympia-135293 -
Mobile push button storage shelves seattle olympia spokane-135294 -
Push button mobile shelving seattle everett kent-135295 -
Push button storage shelves seattle olympia tacoma-135296
High density compacting shelves seattle kent spokane-135233 -
High density compacting shelves seattle olympia kent-135234 -
High density compacting storage seattle olympia kent-135235 -
High density mobile shelving seattle spokane olympia-135236 -
High density storage shelving seattle spokane tacoma-135237 -
Mobile compact high density seattle spokane olympia-135238 -
Mobile compacting shelves seattle bellevue everett-135239 -
Mobile compacting shelving seattle bellevue everett-135240 -
Mobile compacting storage seattle everett olympia-135241 -
Mobile high density shelves seattle tacoma olympia-135242
Bi parting files part separating dividing splitting divergent biparting cabinet shelving shelf storage system aisle isle moving space saver back fixed front slide-124714 -
Compact bookstack shelving spacesaver high density manual assist-124715 -
Compact manual mechanical assist mobile shelving doors cabinets on dollies on tracks high density-124716 -
Compact mechanical assist manual mobile shelving armory storage system-124717 -
Compact mechanical assist museum art painting storage hand crank mobile shelving high density-124718 -
Compact mechanical assisted moving shelving box storage library system hand crank spoke handle-124719 -
Compact mobile shelving hand crank law firm case red rope pocket files system dolly on tracks-124720 -
Compact museum shelving spacesaver high density storage-124721 -
Hand crank high density shelving spacesaver storage units-124722 -
Hand crank sliding shelves high density shelving spacesaver storage-124723 -
Hand cranking storage bins spacesaver high density shelving-124724 -
Hand cranking storage shelving spacesaver high density racks-124725 -
Hand cranking spacesaver mobile shelving system colorcode files-124726 -
Locking shelving storage system spacesaver high density racks-124727 -
Manual assist rotating handle spacesaver high density file wall shelving-124728 -
Manual mechanical hand crank handle slat wall end panels mobile shelving compact storage high density file cabinets-124729 -
Mechanical assist manual mobile shelving crime lab storage system-124730 -
Mechanical assisted manual mobile shelving locking secure storage shelving system lock hand crank-124731 -
Military bin storage shelving gsa spacesaver high density racks-124732 -
Mobile storage supplies 3 spoke handles high density shelving-124733 -
Modular mobile spacesaver filing shelves high density storage-124734 -
Museum compact shelving spacesaver hand crank cabinets-124735 -
Office file system storage spacesaver high density cabinets-124736 -
Pharmaceutical supply storage shelves spacesaver high density units-124737 -
Rolling high density file cabinets lateral file drawers space saving shelving dallas austin oklahoma city houston little rock kansas missouri tx ok ar ks tn mo-124825 -
Rolling high density manual box shelving storage dallas austin oklahoma city houston little rock kansas missouri tx ok ar ks tn mo-124826 -
Spacesasver mobile gsa shelving high density storage system-124827 -
Spacesaver hand crank high density shelving-124828 -
Spacesaver hand cranking mobile compact shelving system-124829 -
Spacesaver high density food handling mobile track floor shelving-124830 -
Spacesaver high density moveable shelving storage-124831 -
Spacesaver manual assist high density file storage shelves txmas-124832 -
Spacesaver mechanical assist hand crank rolling shelving storage-124833 -
Spacesaver mechanical assist storage shelving hand crank handle-124834 -
Spacesaver mobile gsa storage shelving ammo racks-124835 -
Spacesaver mobile storage supplies rack supply shelves box shelving-124836 -
Spacesaver mobile mechanical assist shelving magazine racks-124837 -
Turn handle shelving rolling compact high density storage racks-124838
Bank high density file shelving-124517 -
Compact hand crank high density storage shelving-124518 -
Gsa high density hand crank shelving spacesaver-124519 -
Gsa high density storage shelving hand crank racks-124520 -
Hand crank compact racks production storage shelving high density-124521 -
Hand crank spacesaver binder shelving-124522 -
High density compact hand crank file shelving system-124523 -
High density compact hand crank shelving-124524 -
High density compact shelving system-124525 -
High density hand crank file shelving-124526 -
High density manual crank shelving-124527 -
High density mobile compact shelving-124528 -
High density rolling compact shelves txmas-124529 -
High density shelving hand crank racks-124530 -
High density shelving-124531 -
Medical compact hand crank shelving high density-124532 -
Medical libray high density storage shelves-124533 -
Military museum shelves compact storage gsa-124534 -
Open shelf high density mobile shelving hand crank racks-124535 -
Spacesaver hand crank shelving high density storage-124580 -
Txmas high density mobile shelving compact hand crank racks-124581 -