Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets
Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets minimize the storage space required for data media tapes and cartridges, video tapes, compact discs CDs and more. How much can you store with Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets? Gemtrac cabinets can store 2,500 VHS video tapes in 25 square feet or store 8,960 CDs in just 25 square feet of floor space.
Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets Store All Types of Media
Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets are very flexible storing a host of media types. Some of the media formats the Gemtrac sliding storage units can store are include:
- 3480/90/90E/3590 data cartridge storage cabinets
- 9840 and 3570-magstar cartridge storage cabinets
- DLT cartridge storage cabinets
- LTO ultrium data tapes storage cabinets
- 4MM and 8MM media tape storage cabinets
- Video cartridge storage (click here to see more video storage solutions)
- CD storage cabinets
- DVD storage cabinets
- 3.5″ and 5.25″ Magneto Optical Drives storage cabinets
Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinet Features
- Gemtrac Cabinets are available in two heights 81″ or 90″ high with 8 slide out shelving drawers
- High capacity Gemtrac data storage racks are available in “pre-configured” for the most common data-media storage applications or build your own Gemtrac to create storage tailored specifically to your data needs
- All pull-out Gemtrac data media shelving drawers include shelves that are adjustable (in 1/2″ increments).
- Gemtrac media shelves include slotted media racks so media tapes won’t shift
- Adjustable backstops position media at the front edge of the shelf for quicker visual and physical access
- Gemtrac’s overhead track system reduces installation and relocation costs
- All media shelves are easily accessible within one footstep and an arm’s reach
- Gemtrac media cabinets are shipped assembled to save time and expense of installation and relocation
Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets for Microfilm Storage
Gemtrac Sliding Media Storage Cabinets can store 35MM and 16MM microfilm in boxes and 3M cartridges. Gemtrac microfilm storage cabinet features include:
- Gemtrac cabinets available 81″ or 90″ high with 12 slide out shelving drawers
- Roll film shelves are fixed-in-place for maximum filing integrity
- Individual slots to prevent shifting of media and provide quick access
- Plastic compressors to hold cartons and cartridges gently, but firmly in place
- Gemtrac’s overhead track system reduces installation and relocation cost
- Roll film cabinets are shipped assembled to save time and expense for installation and relocation
Maximize your space with Gemtrac. For example, store up to 7,140 microfilm rolls of microfilm in just 25 square feet of floor space with Gemtrac data media cabinets!
Call us Today at 1-800-803-1083 To Discuss Your Storage Needs
Call us today at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message and let one of our specialists assist you with your data storage needs.
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