Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets for Sterile Core Storage
With the increased focus on preventing hospital acquired infections (HAIs) and the desire to reduce waste, surgical centers are looking for quality dependable products to help achieve these goals in their sterile core. Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets are sustainable solutions that will help sterile processing departments maintain the best sterilization standards and reduce their environmental impact. We provide both Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets to all types of healthcare facilities. Click here to learn more about stainless steel furniture for clean rooms.
Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets are Modular and Pre-Engineered
There are many reasons to use Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets instead of built-in furniture in your sterile core. Stainless Steel Casework Cabinets are modular, which means they can be demounted and reinstalled whenever you remodel, move, or expand your facility. Also, Stainless Steel Casework Cabinets are pre-engineered, which means they are designed and manufactured to maintain consistent tolerances and dimensions with easy to acquire replacement parts and accessories.
Stainless Steel Cabinets, Shelving, Tables, and Carts
See specifications and pricing for stainless steel cabinets, shelving, tables, and carts.
Freestanding Cabinets
Stainless Steel Mobile Cabinets
Stainless Steel Wall Cabinets
Stainless Steel Recessed Cabinets
Upper & Lower Stainless Kits
Stainless Steel
Wire Shelving
Stainless Tables
All Stainless
Efficient Sterilization with Stainless Steel Casework
Because a sterile core is an area that has a high risk for infection, Stainless Steel Casework will help maintain the best hygiene standards possible. Stainless Steel is used for cabinets, shelving, work surfaces, fixtures, and benches because it is non-porous, which means that germs, viruses, and bacteria cannot get into the casework. Stainless Steel Casework won’t retain moisture so it can handle frequent sanitizing. Also, adding an Antimicrobial Agion Coating to Stainless Steel Casework will help reduce the bacteria impact. (Read more about Antimicrobial Agion Coating for Stainless Steel Casework)
Stainless Steel Casework Cabinets with Glass Doors for Storing Sterile Supplies
Using Surgical Cabinets with glass doors and sloped tops efficiently stores supplies in the sterile core. The glass doors allow employees to easily see supplies so they can quickly retrieve them or restock them. The sloped tops make it easy to see when the cabinets need to be cleaned. In addition, nothing can be stacked on top of the cabinets that will attract dust and bacteria.
Contact Us for Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets
We specialize in designing and installing Stainless Steel Casework and Surgical Cabinets for sterile cores in surgical centers. For more information on stainless steel cabinets, call us at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message to speak with your local representative.
Stainless Steel Casework Overview
Stainless Steel Casework Specifications
Stainless Steel Lockers CSI Specifications Warranty
Stainless Steel Casework Specifications
Drawers trays in stainless steel cabinet sterile core-130644 -
Installation medical cabinets operating room storage-130645 -
Installation surgical suite stainless steel medical supply storage-130646 -
Medical supply cabinets stainless steel storage surgical-130647 -
Medical supplys storage cabinets operating room stainless-130648 -
Operating room stainless steel cabinet drawers-130649 -
Operating room stainless steel cabinetry-130650 -
Operating room storage cabinets installation-130651 -
Pass through wall stainless cabinet trays drawers-130652 -
Stainless cabinets installation operating room storage-130653 -
Stainless cabinets installation surgical casework-130654 -
Stainless steel base cabinet standing height modular casework furniture sterile core millwork-130655 -
Stainless steel cabinet basket drawer sloped top-130656 -
Stainless steel cabinet half height smaller shorter unit hospital healthcare casework-130657 -
Stainless steel cabinet modular casework lab furniture-130658 -
Stainless steel cabinet pull out baskets doors-130659 -
Stainless steel cabinet sterile core operating room-130660 -
Stainless steel cabinets pull out basket with door-130661 -
Stainless steel casework cabinets carts millwork modular metal hospital healthcare-130662 -
Stainless steel casket surgical pack storage cabinet drawer rack sterile casework-130663 -
Stainless steel endoscope drying cabinet modular casework surgery medical supply storage-130664 -
Stainless steel furniture scrub sink 2 deep sloped wall mounted-130665 -
Stainless steel in wall cabinet glass doors sterile surgery supply procedural room storage-130666 -
Stainless steel in wall cabinets medical surgery supply storage-130667 -
Stainless steel modular casework medical supply storage glass doors plexiglass-130668 -
Stainless steel modular casework morgue furniture tables desks cabinets-130669 -
Stainless steel nurse document workstations furniture hospital healthcare medical casework desk-130670 -
Stainless steel pass thru wall cabinet operating room sterile core spd supplies hospital surgery-130671 -
Stainless steel scrub sink operating room sloped knee kick water hospital surgery medical healthcare-130672 -
Stainless steel scrub sinks operation room eyewash infrared faucet flow nozzle deep sloped deck mounted-130673 -
Stainless steel sterile pack casket workstations modular cart table workbench storage-130674 -
Stainless steel sterile pack workstations tables peg board adjustable height-130675 -
Stainless steel suture cart cabinet mobile moving glass doors sterile storage-130676 -
Stainless steel tables hospital medical healthcare sterile core furniture casework-130677 -
Stainless steel upper cabinet glass door hospital surgical suite casework modular-130678 -
Stainless steel wall cabinets glass door fronts modular casework spd sterile medical hospital supplies storage-130679 -
Stainless steel wall cabinets modular medical casework millwork casters sefa gsa-130680 -
Stainless steel warming cabinets healthcare hospital casework-130681 -
Stainless steel worksurface furniture cabinet casework lab surgery operating room-130682 -
Surgical operating room storage cabinets stainless steel-130683 -
Surgical suite stainless steel cabinets installation-130684