saving space in museums and art galleries
Mobile museum shelving provides cost-efficient and space-saving compact archival storage for storing collections, framed artwork, and valuable and priceless items in museums and art galleries. The compact mobile museum storage increases exhibit space while still allowing ample room for future growth. Compact archival storage systems are available to museums and art galleries in Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Altus, Enid, Shawnee, Duncan, Ardmore, Durant, and throughout the state of Oklahoma.
mobile shelving stores a wide variety of items
Mobile museum shelving can store framed and hanging artwork, garments, artifacts, bulk items, small items, documents, and more for various departments in museums or art galleries. Collections and artifacts are safely stored within the units, which can be installed with optional locking systems. The mobile museum shelving saves space by requiring only one open aisle at a time to access storage within the unit, while the other aisles stay compacted together. This way, previously open and unused aisle space is transformed into dynamic storage space. The mobile museum shelving can cut down your storage space by half or double your storage capacity in the same footprint.
Compact archival storage is available for museums and art galleries with manual, mechanical assist, or push button operation. The desired aisle is opened by pulling a handle, turning a three-spoke ergonomic hand crank, or pushing a button. Additional safety features ensure that valuable items and personnel are not damaged or injured by closing aisles. Drawers can also be installed in the mobile museum shelving for storing small artifacts or collections. Compact archival storage allows for the safe storage of a large amount of priceless items, collections, or artwork in a smaller footprint than traditional methods. The systems can even be installed within vaults for extra security, and lockable steel drawers are also available for double-locking.
See Museum Storage Solutions Prices
See Museum storage shelving, racks, & cabinets prices
All Museum Storage Solutions
Art Storage Shelving
Wall Art Display Panels
Works on Paper Storage Shelving
Pull-out Art Panel Racks
contact us for mobile museum shelving
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for mobile museum shelving and compact archival storage to museums and art galleries in Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Altus, Enid, Shawnee, Duncan, Ardmore, and Durant. We will even provide a free consultation to determine your museum or art gallery’s exact storage needs before the design process begins, and guarantee to treat your priceless and valuable items and collections with the utmost care. For more information or to speak with a museum storage specialist, call us at (405) 879-3448 or send us a message today.
Southwest Solutions Group® Oklahoma City Office
14320 N Lincoln Blvd Unit 406
Edmond, OK 73013
Telephone: (405) 879-3448
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ray Streight