DEA Approved Cannabis Storage Cages
With the cannabis industry quickly expanding, equally specialized products are needed for safe storage that remains within DEA compliance. DEA approved wire partition enclosures, cages, and fences meet standards for controlled substances and are thus a great solution for cannabis storage. We have a variety of cannabis storage solutions for distribution centers and pharmaceutical manufacturers in Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Altus, Enid, Shawnee, Duncan, Ardmore, Durant, and throughout the state of Oklahoma.
Wire Partition Cannabis Storage Enclosures
Cannabis requires a high level of security. Most retailers and distributors keep their cannabis storage in wire cages, which are required to meet multiple physical security controls. This includes self-closing and self-locking doors, panels mounted flush to the floor, and ceiling panels. These wire partition enclosures meet all requirements for physical security when properly installed.
Furthermore, the wire partition fences and cages are ideal for virtually any type of facility. With customizable panel frames up to 10 feet long, it’s easy to stack the panels together to create any configuration you need. The frames also satisfy the DEA requirement of horizontal reinforcement every 60 inches. If your needs change, the modular panels make it easy to reconfigure or expand the system.
Additional features that allow the wire partition enclosures to meet DEA cannabis storage standards include:
- 10 gauge wire mesh wall and ceiling panels
- Flush-mounted wall panels
- Self-closing, self-locking doors
- Hardware is only accessible from inside the cage to prevent tampering
- Clear spanned ceilings up to 30′ or extended heights to roof decks
- Panels can be stacked between posts to reach almost any ceiling
- Heavy 3/8″ mounting hardware and anchors provided
- Custom heights available up to 50′
- Sliding doors greater than 80′ are supplied with an electric opener
- Push bars, electronic locks, magnetic locks, and other specialized locks available
- Optional electric strikes are compatible with most card reader systems
- Wire cage cutouts available for existing obstacles
See Wire Mesh Security Partitions Prices Online
See specifications and pricing for wire partitions.
Contact Us for DEA Cage Cannabis Storage
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for DEA wire partition enclosures, cages, and fences for cannabis storage in Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Altus, Enid, Shawnee, Duncan, Ardmore, and Durant. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (405) 879-3448 or send us a message today.
Southwest Solutions Group® Oklahoma City Office
14320 N Lincoln Blvd Unit 406
Edmond, OK 73013
Telephone: (405) 879-3448
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ray Streight
Woven Wire Partitions & Enclosures
Wire Partitions Specs
Data floor with secure wire cage-131602 -
Data server security caging-131603 -
Driver access cage-131604 -
Driver cage with employee-131605 -
Driver cage with pushbar-131606 -
Floor to ceiling wire mesh partition-131607 -
Guardrails safety protection-131608 -
Holding cell wire cage-131609 -
Industrial storage shelving mobile storage wire cage fencing partition-131610 -
Machine barrier wire partition-131611 -
Machine guarding wire caging security-131612 -
Machine guarding wire partition-131613 -
Mobile shelving protected with wire partition cage industrial storage-131614 -
Pallet racks wire backs secure storage-131615 -
Police evidence secure storage behind wire cage-131616 -
Rack back secure rack storage wire partition-131617 -
Rack back wire partition secure storage-131618 -
Racking secure behind wire partitions-131619 -
Secure document storage from above-131620 -
Secure document storage-131621 -
Secure holding cell wire cage with window-131622 -
Secure pharmacy storage shelving behind mesh cage-131623 -
Secure server cages-131624 -
Secure storage door wire partition on shelving-131625 -
Secure wire cage for data-131626 -
Secure wire cage-131627 -
Wire backing pallet racks secure storage-131628 -
Wire cage holding cell-131629 -
Wire cage mobile shelving industrial warehouse storage-131630 -
Wire cage window holding cell-131631 -
Wire caging for security-131632 -
Wire partition cage machine guard-131633 -
Wire partitions cages-131634