Storing Heavy Athletic Equipment Cases
Athletic equipment cases are important equipment for athletic teams transporting their uniforms, shoes, medical kits, electronics, recording equipment, and other supplies safely and efficiently. But there’s no argument against the fact that these cases are bulky, heavy, and take up a lot of space. Mezzanine lifts are a great sports storage system that both saves space and makes transport fast and safe, and are available solutions for all types of athletic facilities in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento, Long Beach, Oakland, Anaheim, Bakersfield, and throughout the state of California.
Sports Storage System Mezzanines & Lifts
No matter what time of year, space is always a challenge, particularly for the heavy and bulky equipment common in athletics. Helmets, uniforms, bats, balls, shoulder pads, shoes, and other supplies are not only difficult to store but are also expensive and prone to damage or theft when stored improperly. To prepare for games, most teams store these items in athletic equipment cases for protection and easy transportation. During the off-season or when the team has a home instead of an away game, these cases still need to be stored somewhere. And when they’re taking up space in equipment rooms, it can make space and organizational problems worse.
Mezzanines are a quick way to add an entire level of storage without major construction or renovations to your existing facility. This way, you can store athletic cases above to keep them out of the way. For safe retrieval, the mezzanines can also be integrated with elevator lifts so no one has to risk injury by transporting the heavy cases up and down stairs. The mezzanines are an extremely cost-effective and customizable solution that can be fitted to your exact specifications and building.
Another option is overhead lifts, which automatically raises storage platforms to the ceiling to keep athletic equipment cases up and out of the way when they’re not being used. Simply load the cases onto the platforms and push a button to lift, then another to bring the lifts back down to floor level for easy access. Click here to watch a video showing how the athletic equipment case lifts work.
Contact Us for Athletic Equipment Cases Sports Storage
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for athletic equipment cases and sports storage system mezzanine lifts for facilities in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento, Long Beach, Oakland, Anaheim, and Bakersfield. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (800) 803-1083 or send us a message today.