Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets are Cost-Effective Furniture Solutions
Hospitals are constantly renovating to provide the best and most efficient care for their patients. Most hospital renovations include ripping out built-in millwork cabinets and throwing them away in our landfills. Now, there is a more efficient solution to built-in millwork cabinets called modular casework cabinets. Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets are furniture solutions designed from the start with change in mind. Modular Healthcare Casework Cabinets can be demounted and reinstalled with ease when you remodel, move, or expand your facility. We recognize that each different department within your healthcare facility will have different furniture needs, so we provide all types of Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets.
Exam Room, Pharmacy & Lab Casework and Fold Down Wall Seating Prices
See specifications and pricing for exam room casework, pharmacy casework, lab casework and fold down wall seating.
Exam Room Casework
Pharmacy Casework
Fold Down Seating
All Healthcare Products
Stainless Steel Modular Casework Cabinets
Stainless Steel is a great material solution for sterile cores, operating rooms, and morgues in your healthcare facility because it prevents the spread of bacteria and germs. Stainless steel surfaces can handle frequent sanitizing, heat, and harsh chemicals and work surfaces won’t be damaged. Also, stainless steel won’t rust or absorb moisture. The durable base and washable drawers help control the spread of infectious germs and bacteria. Factory manufactured wall mount overhead cabinets install easily above the work counters to provide additional storage and allow for easy access to critical technology. Optional glass doors allow visual assurance that vital supplies are at the ready. (Stainless Steel Modular Healthcare Casework Images)
Metal Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets
Laboratories and technical work areas benefit from powder coated metal casework and cabinets because it is a durable finish that will withstand daily use. Metal movable medical cabinets have numerous standard accessories available to make the best use of your casework cabinets. Lockable drawers and doors with individually keyed locks will provide secure storage of expensive equipment like microscopes. Metal medical casework has conveniently located data ports and electrical and gas outlets. Sturdy bases with 2 mm impact resistant edge banding and steel kick plates resist wear and tear, and minimize moisture wicking into the cabinetry, helping to eliminate mold. Drawers close quietly and completely thanks to the quiet/soft close feature. Solid surface tops and angled or closed soffit tops are easily cleaned to help break the chain of infection (Metal Modular Healthcare Casework Pictures)
Laminate Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets
Laminate Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets are available in a variety of standard finishes with numerous hardware choices. You can easily match your décor or create new and interesting architectural features for pharmacies, nurse stations, information centers, and break rooms. Wall mounted laminate overhead cabinets fasten to the wall with rail-mounts to provide precise height and depth adjustment. Unlike built-in furniture, the modular casework and movable cabinets can be installed in phases and later re-imagined and re-configured as your layout needs change. This reduces the impact of modification and expansion on the budget and the environment. (Laminate Modular Healthcare Casework Images)
Contact Us for Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets
We can help you design and install Modular Healthcare Casework and Movable Medical Cabinets in your facility. Contact us by phone at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message to speak with your local representative.
Medical Casework for Healthcare Storage
Stainless Steel Casework Specifications
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Drawers trays in stainless steel cabinet sterile core-130644 -
Installation medical cabinets operating room storage-130645 -
Installation surgical suite stainless steel medical supply storage-130646 -
Medical supply cabinets stainless steel storage surgical-130647 -
Medical supplys storage cabinets operating room stainless-130648 -
Operating room stainless steel cabinet drawers-130649 -
Operating room stainless steel cabinetry-130650 -
Operating room storage cabinets installation-130651 -
Pass through wall stainless cabinet trays drawers-130652 -
Stainless cabinets installation operating room storage-130653 -
Stainless cabinets installation surgical casework-130654 -
Stainless steel base cabinet standing height modular casework furniture sterile core millwork-130655 -
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Stainless steel cabinet modular casework lab furniture-130658 -
Stainless steel cabinet pull out baskets doors-130659 -
Stainless steel cabinet sterile core operating room-130660 -
Stainless steel cabinets pull out basket with door-130661 -
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Stainless steel casket surgical pack storage cabinet drawer rack sterile casework-130663 -
Stainless steel endoscope drying cabinet modular casework surgery medical supply storage-130664 -
Stainless steel furniture scrub sink 2 deep sloped wall mounted-130665 -
Stainless steel in wall cabinet glass doors sterile surgery supply procedural room storage-130666 -
Stainless steel in wall cabinets medical surgery supply storage-130667 -
Stainless steel modular casework medical supply storage glass doors plexiglass-130668 -
Stainless steel modular casework morgue furniture tables desks cabinets-130669 -
Stainless steel nurse document workstations furniture hospital healthcare medical casework desk-130670 -
Stainless steel pass thru wall cabinet operating room sterile core spd supplies hospital surgery-130671 -
Stainless steel scrub sink operating room sloped knee kick water hospital surgery medical healthcare-130672 -
Stainless steel scrub sinks operation room eyewash infrared faucet flow nozzle deep sloped deck mounted-130673 -
Stainless steel sterile pack casket workstations modular cart table workbench storage-130674 -
Stainless steel sterile pack workstations tables peg board adjustable height-130675 -
Stainless steel suture cart cabinet mobile moving glass doors sterile storage-130676 -
Stainless steel tables hospital medical healthcare sterile core furniture casework-130677 -
Stainless steel upper cabinet glass door hospital surgical suite casework modular-130678 -
Stainless steel wall cabinets glass door fronts modular casework spd sterile medical hospital supplies storage-130679 -
Stainless steel wall cabinets modular medical casework millwork casters sefa gsa-130680 -
Stainless steel warming cabinets healthcare hospital casework-130681 -
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Surgical operating room storage cabinets stainless steel-130683 -
Surgical suite stainless steel cabinets installation-130684