Single-click to enlarge the desired wall mail sorter picture below. (ref:GAL:2552)
We specialize in providing mail sorters that mount into office walls for quick and convenient distribution of mail from the mailroom to employees.
If you have a question about our in-wall mail sorters products, please call us at 800-803-1083 or send us a message.
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Pass thru wall sorters mailroom sorter slots mail processing units doors millwork storage-126894 -
Prefabricated mailroom pass through wall mail slots adjustable sorter casework millwork cabinets tx ok ar ks tn-126895 -
Wall adjustable sorter units pass thru double sided mail slots mailroom labels-126938 -
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Wall pass through sorter slots mailcenter casework millwork units inset shelves shelving doors mail tx ok ar ks tn-126941
Mailroom Sorting Furniture Prices
See specifications and pricing for bulk sorting shelving, stand-alone and tabletop sorters, mail tables, mailroom casework and kits.
See All Mailroom Furniture
Mail Tables
Mailroom Casework
Stand Alone Sorters
Table Top Sorters
Mailroom Sorter Accessories