Transitioning to paperless office software
In an increasingly technological world, there are many benefits of digitizing paper documents for your company: easier access and sharing, reducing costs of space and personnel, and increasing productivity are all benefits from using Paperless Office Software.
Despite the benefits of a paperless office, many organizations have resisted this change. These companies are often concerned with the costs of digitizing paper documents and implementing paperless office software. They are used to the paper process, and would rather stick to something they already know. However, these same company employees already use this same type of technology, whether it be smart phones or tablets, to make managing their personal lives easier. If company employees are able to overcome the hesitation to implement paperless software in the office, it could make managing their company easier as well.
common concerns
The root of the problem with digitizing paper documents is that employees are often given access to new technology, but aren’t trained in how to use it. This leads to frustration and inefficiency, ultimately affecting the the organization with additional costs that could have been avoided.
When implementing paperless office software, it’s important to address likely concerns and questions employees will have about paperless software. Questions about digitizing paper documents often revolve around what the technology is called, where it is stored, how to access and secure it, and compliance issues. Answering questions, acknowledging concerns, and involving staff in the process of implementing paperless office software–as well as giving them time to adapt to such changes–will make the transition to a paperless office much easier. According to Anna Stratton, CDIA, “The need to understand, acknowledge, and address these responses is one of the most underestimated elements in implementing change.” An organization must also ensure that they will continue to be productive while they are in the process of digitizing paper documents.
Organizations should not aim for digitizing paper documents all at once. They need to carefully consider their objectives and evaluate which files to convert based on these needs. All stakeholders should be involved in this process to ensure alignment with these objectives.
Companies are often concerned with the costs of implementing paperless office software. With careful consideration of hard and soft costs as well as the ROI of implementing paperless office solutions, unneccesary spending can be avoided and ROI can be maximized.
Hard Costs of Paperless Office Software
As paper documents move through their life cycles, they accrue hard costs associated with retrieving, re-filing, transporting, storing, and destroying the document. It would be most beneficial for a company that is digitizing paper documents to scan and convert them early in the document’s cycle to reduce these hard costs. In addition, if a company’s policies and procedures for managing paper documents are poor, their hard costs for digitizing paper documents will be higher.
Soft Costs of Paperless Office Software
The soft costs associated with digitizing paper documents are often overlooked. Companies also need to consider workflow efficiencies as well as the benefits of digitizing paper documents for labor mobility, disaster recovery, and company security.
Other Considerations of Paperless Office Software
Companies should not approach digitizing paper documents with a resolution to digitize everything or nothing. The best decision to start implementing paperless office software may be to focus on smaller projects that prevent the growth of additional paper documents or address large collections of older documents. Companies should consider these factors for both active and inactive documents.
Inactive documents
Digitizing paper documents with a long or permanent lifecycle will eliminate the cost of storing, retrieving, and returning the paper document. However, there is little sense in digitizing an inactive document that is near the end of its lifecycle.
Active documents
It may be most beneficial for a company that needs time to implement and adjust to paperless office software to keep paper during the active part of its lifecycle. Companies need to determine the value of digitizing paper documents at each stage in their life cycle to determine the true ROI of implementing paperless office software.
While paper won’t be going away completely for quite some time, companies and professionals need to be fiscally responsible and aware of changing office cultures. Southwest Solutions Group has many professionals who want to help you help your company.
Contact Us To Learn More About Paperless Office Software
Is your company considering paperless office software? We can help. Southwest Solutions Group’s Information Management Solutions (IMS) Division specializes in innovative document and information efficiency solutions. We offer free consultations in many environments digitally and in person to best help you determine your company’s needs with transitioning to a paperless office. When your needs are identified, we have all the tools you need to make your company’s transition as smooth as possible.
Contact us today by phone at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message to get in touch with a professional in your area.