The Safest Powered Mobile Storage Available

safe aisle wired shelving seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympiaSafe aisle wired shelving is a powered mobile storage solution that provides the highest safety and efficiency standards in the industry with full aisle coverage and accessibility for all types of businesses and facilities in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, Olympia, and throughout the state of Washington. Click here to watch a video about the important safety features of powered mobile storage and how it sets the systems apart from mechanical assist hand crank shelving.

Safe Aisle Shelving Vs. Mechanical-Assist

While hand crank and powered mobile storage provide the same space-saving benefits, there are numerous additional safety and efficiency features that powered options offer, especially for frequently-used storage areas.

powered mobile storage seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympia

With built-in safeguards that protect users when accessing stored materials, powered mobile storage is the safest high density solution you can buy. Floor level sweeps and sensors detects when items or people are in the aisles and instantly halts carriage movement, and aisle entry and waist-high sweep sensors provide added safety for full aisle coverage. The passive automatic safety features mean that users don’t even have to think about it when they’re using the system; the safety aisle wired shelving does it for them. Optional environmental sensors can also be configured to alert users to changes in temperature and humidity in the case of temperature-sensitive stored materials.

The safety aisle wired shelving powered mobile storage also outperforms mechanical-assist and manual shelving with regard to productivity and efficiency. The easy push button controls allow the operator to move the shelving even if their hands are full. Operators can automatically open heavily used aisles, close all aisles at once, open aisles evenly, open each aisle in sequence, move carriages to predetermined positions, and more.

Contact Us for Safe Aisle Wired Shelving

Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for safe aisle wired shelving powered mobile storage to businesses in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, and Olympia. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (425) 354-3311 or send us a message today.

Southwest Solutions Group® Seattle Office

5601 6th Ave S Suite 463

Seattle, WA 98108

Telephone: (425) 354-3311

Email: [email protected]

Southwest Solutions Group® Spokane Office

1303 N. Division Street E-1
Spokane, WA 99202

Telephone: (509) 315-9806
Email: [email protected]


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