Hospital Bin Storage Shelving and Medical Plastic Bins for Seattle Healthcare Facilities
Hospital Bin Storage Shelving helps optimize your space to generate revenue, meet each department’s unique storage needs, and maximize your long-term storage ROI. Because of its modular design, Hospital Bin Storage Shelving can be configured in numerous different ways to give you infinite storage options now and into the future. We provide Hospital Bin Storage Shelving and Medical Plastic Bins to healthcare facilities in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, and throughout the state of Washington. (view images of Hospital Bin Storage Shelving)
Improving the Flow Supplies with Medical Plastic Bins Improves Productivity
Better organization and more efficient storage for your supplies means that productivity will be improved because hospital staff will be able to quickly find supplies when they need them. Besides flexibility, Hospital Bin Storage Shelving incorporates colored Medical Plastic Bins that offer quick identification and proper rotation of supplies.
There are numerous colors of Medical Plastic Bins to help you categorize and find supplies quickly using color recognition. Bins come in a wide selection of sizes to properly store large and small supplies. Also, Medical Plastic Bins come with front, back, and side grips for easy handling and are waterproof to resist rust and corrosion.
Hospital Bin Storage Shelving Saves Floor Space
What more could you ask for in a hospital storage system besides flexibility and productivity? How about space savings? Hospital Bin Storage Shelving provides maximum floor space saving with double depth storage. The double deep Hospital Bin Storage Shelving option consists of shelving on tracks that slides back and forth in front of stationary shelving maximizing your storage floor space area. Imagine cutting your storage floor space area in half or doubling the storage of medical supplies in the same floor space as your existing supplies storage shelving.
Contact Us for Hospital Bin Storage Shelving and Medical Plastic Bins in Seattle
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for Hospital Bin Storage Shelving and Medical Plastic Bins to healthcare facilities in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, and throughout the state of Washington. Contact us today by phone at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message to speak with a representative today.
Southwest Solutions Group® Seattle Office
5601 6th Ave S Suite 463
Seattle, WA 98108
Telephone: (425) 354-3311
Email: [email protected]
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