High Capacity Shelving with Moving Aisles

high capacity storage with moving aisles shelves seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympiaHigh capacity shelving provides storage with moving aisles that can double your storage capacity in the same space as static shelves or can reduce your storage footprint by half for businesses and facilities in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, Olympia, and throughout the state of Washington (see images). In fact, the high capacity shelving can reduce your storage area by up to 66% over traditional shelving and lateral file cabinets. Click here to watch a video about how high capacity shelving works.

How does high capacity shelving save this much space so easily? Instead of static access aisles, the high capacity shelving utilizes storage with moving aisles instead. This allows users to access only the aisles that they need, when they need it. The space savings and easy access not only improve your storage area and prevent expensive construction costs, but it also improves productivity, organization, and efficiency since users are quickly able to find what they need. The high capacity shelving could also reduce your operating costs by using less space. And weight isn’t an issue; users can move thousands of pounds of stored materials with just the turn of an ergonomic handle or at the push of a button.

High capacity shelving can be used in virtually any market and any application such as healthcare, commercial buildings, libraries, museums, industrial facilities, and much more. We’re still looking for something we can’t store.

Contact Us for High Capacity Shelving

Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for high capacity shelving and storage with moving aisles to all types of businesses in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, and Olympia. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at (425) 354-3311 or send us a message today.

Southwest Solutions Group® Seattle Office

5601 6th Ave S Suite 463

Seattle, WA 98108

Telephone: (425) 354-3311

Email: [email protected]

Southwest Solutions Group® Spokane Office

1303 N. Division Street E-1
Spokane, WA 99202

Telephone: (509) 315-9806
Email: [email protected]


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