Shelving for Portable Storage Containers

portable mobile storage containers seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympiaWe install shelving and cabinets into portable mobile containers for storing all types of gear, supplies, weapons, parts, and inventory. Our storage systems maximize the storage capacity of mobile containers and give authorized personnel quick access to needed materials and supplies. Our shelving for Conex containers is available to military facilities and other businesses in need of secure storage in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, Olympia, and throughout the state of Washington.

Storage for Conex Box Types

Our secure heavy-duty shelving and cabinets will withstand transportation via ship, truck, or train without having to unpack the storage equipment and its contents before transportation. This makes an ideal and secure storage solution.

We can accommodate storage shelving and cabinets for the following types of containers.

conex box shelving seattle spokane tacoma bellevue everett kent yakima renton olympia

  • Collapsible
  • Insulated
  • Refrigerated
  • open-top and open-side
  • platform
  • rolling-floor
  • tank
  • ventilated
  • garment
  • flat-rack

Security systems can also be integrated to ensure that your items are protected in the storage containers when left unattended. Options include motion detector panels that trigger a siren, strobe, or light and wireless communication to alert security guards if an alarm is triggered. Tomographic motion detectors that cover the entire container in volumetric sensing mesh can be installed for specialty or valuable items. Tomographic motion detectors prevent the sensors from being blocked by items within the container and aren’t prone to misdetection due to dirt or dust buildup.

Contact Us For Conex Container Shelving

Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for shelving in Conex portable mobile containers in Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Yakima, Renton, and Olympia. SSG will also provide a free consultation to determine your exact storage needs. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message today.

Southwest Solutions Group® Seattle Office

5601 6th Ave S Suite 463

Seattle, WA 98108

Telephone: (425) 354-3311

Email: [email protected]


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