Hospital & Lab Casework & Millwork
Multiple types of hospital & lab manufacturing furniture, casework, millwork, and cabinets are available to healthcare labs and exam rooms in Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Altus, Enid, Shawnee, Duncan, Ardmore, Durant, and throughout the state of Oklahoma. Click here for an overview of the types of hospital and lab casework we offer.
Casework & Millwork Furniture Features
Casework is available in laminate, powder coat, or stainless steel to fit your unique requirements. Anti-microbial medical cabinets composed of copper or coated with agion are also available to help prevent the spread of bacteria.
Casework furniture and cabinets are becoming an increasingly popular option for hospitals and labs due to their versatility and cost savings. Unlike built-in furniture, casework furniture, millwork, and cabinets are modular and can be reconfigured, moved, or reused at any time. This means that you can easily take your furniture with you instead of having to tear it out of the wall, whereas built-in furniture can’t move with you and will ultimately end up in a landfill.
Revit BIM models for exam room casework also allow you to design them yourself so you can be sure it will fit to your exact specifications. This makes the design easy to replicate for additions or reproductions later on. It’s easy to make adjustments and add features depending on your needs.
Lastly, casework has only a seven-year tax depreciation (vs. a 31-year depreciation for built-in furniture), is designed to be environmentally friendly, and is made entirely in the USA.
Contact Us for Hospital Major Lab Manufacturing Casework
Southwest Solutions Group® provides design and installation services for furniture, casework, millwork, and cabinets to all types of hospitals and labs in Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Altus, Enid, Shawnee, Duncan, Ardmore, and Durant. We will also provide you with a free consultation to determine your exact needs and specifications before the design process begins. To learn more or to speak with a specialist, call us at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message today.
Southwest Solutions Group® Oklahoma City Office
14320 N Lincoln Blvd Unit 406
Edmond, OK 73013
Telephone: (405) 879-3448
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Ray Streight
Medical Casework for Healthcare Storage
Stainless Steel Casework Specifications
No videos available at this time
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Pass through wall stainless cabinet trays drawers-130652 -
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Stainless cabinets installation surgical casework-130654 -
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Stainless steel casket surgical pack storage cabinet drawer rack sterile casework-130663 -
Stainless steel endoscope drying cabinet modular casework surgery medical supply storage-130664 -
Stainless steel furniture scrub sink 2 deep sloped wall mounted-130665 -
Stainless steel in wall cabinet glass doors sterile surgery supply procedural room storage-130666 -
Stainless steel in wall cabinets medical surgery supply storage-130667 -
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Stainless steel nurse document workstations furniture hospital healthcare medical casework desk-130670 -
Stainless steel pass thru wall cabinet operating room sterile core spd supplies hospital surgery-130671 -
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Stainless steel sterile pack workstations tables peg board adjustable height-130675 -
Stainless steel suture cart cabinet mobile moving glass doors sterile storage-130676 -
Stainless steel tables hospital medical healthcare sterile core furniture casework-130677 -
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Stainless steel wall cabinets glass door fronts modular casework spd sterile medical hospital supplies storage-130679 -
Stainless steel wall cabinets modular medical casework millwork casters sefa gsa-130680 -
Stainless steel warming cabinets healthcare hospital casework-130681 -
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Surgical suite stainless steel cabinets installation-130684