Mechanical Assist High Density Shelving Safety Devices

safety sweep and brake for mechanical assist high density shelving

In mechanical assist, high density shelving, the power to move the carriages is manually supplied by a user turning a three-spoke handle. The individual directs the carriages to move and create an access aisle. The mechanical assist systems don’t have the same safety devices as electrically powered high density shelving. Instead, mechanical assist high density shelving has a safety sweep and brake that will stop carriage movement and keep users safe. Click here to learn more about high density mobile shelving.

How the Safety Sweep and Brake Works

The mechanical assist safety sweeps are formed metal flanges located at floor-level and run the length of the high density shelving. They provide users a means to quickly and safely stop carriage movement inside of a closing aisle.

If someone outside the high density shelving system rotates the handle to access a new aisle without first checking the open aisle for occupants, those inside the open aisle have a means to easily stop carriage movement by depressing the sweep surface. The safety sweep engages the brake and automatically locks the handle so that it will not rotate.

Contact Us to Learn More About Mechanical Assist High Density Shelving Safety Devices

Southwest Solutions Group® has been designing and installing mechanical assist high density shelving since 1969. To speak with a safety expert about the safety sweep and brake or other safety devices for high density shelving, give us a call at 1-800-803-1083 or send us a message.


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